Communicating Confidently with Jananie William

Jananie William (FIAA, PhD) wears many hats: she is an academic at the ANU, a Research Affiliate with the Global Institute of Women's Leadership (ANU) and Advisor to The Social Outcomes Lab. She worked as an actuary in general insurance before transitioning into her current roles.

Jananie now spends her time educating new generations of actuaries while researching and consulting on matters relating to public health and public policy, with a focus on issues that adversely affect women’s health and economic security across their lifetime.

In this interview, Jananie talks about:

  • Her actuarial career path to date,

  • Her views on “imposter syndrome” and why people can experience this,

  • Her tips for people building their confidence as presenters,

  • Her tips for people building their confidence speaking in meetings and delegating tasks, and

  • Her advice for actuaries stepping into their first management roles.


Actuaries in Public Health with Anna Stephens


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