Episode 19: Actuaries in Social Services with David Gifford
“What I appreciate, having worked in the scheme for a while, is just how important it is that people in the disability sector, participants, their families, carers, representative organisations, all understand and have buy-in to the direction of the scheme.”
David Gifford,
Scheme Actuary, NDIS
David is the Scheme Actuary for the NDIS. He has worked for nearly thirty years across social insurance, general insurance and government in both consulting and organisational roles. David was previously Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Risk Officer at the Transport Accident Commission, and held consulting roles for more than fifteen years, at PwC and most recently Quantium.
David has a Bachelor of Economics and an MBA from Melbourne Business School and is currently undertaking a Master of Public Health at Melbourne University.
In this interview David shares his reflections about:
What it’s like being the Scheme Actuary for the NDIS,
The kind of work that the large team of actuaries and data scientists do for the NDIS,
What he finds interesting and challenging about his role, and
How actuaries from all professional backgrounds can carve themselves a career path in social services.
Connect with David on LinkedIn.