Leadership Reflections with Wayne Brazel

Wayne Brazel is an Actuary with over 30 years experience within the Australian and North American Industries and across the broad spectrum of products and currently is the Appointed Actuary and Chief Actuary for MetLife Australia. Over his career, Wayne has sought to apply his Actuarial expertise to develop solutions and empower management to make informed decisions to drive value for the business. A key element of that is to ensure the technical understanding of the business is translated into actionable knowledge for the business.

Wayne is passionate about:

  • The importance of your people in a service organisation

  • Developing a broad perspective from other professionals and industries

  • Developing a growth mindset

  • Challenging the status quo, in particular thinking about how to embed today the essential capabilities for success tomorrow

In this interview, Wayne shares his views on:

  • What leadership means to him

  • What makes a great actuarial leader

  • How new actuaries can set themselves up for a great actuarial career

  • The importance of having courage and a growth mindset

  • His top tips for actuaries stepping into management roles.


The Big D – how to delegate effectively


Planning for the year ahead – An actuarial approach